Brighton Marine

Tenant Electronic Handbook


This section provides policies and procedures for deliveries to and from Brighton Marine Health Center.

All Tenants and employees at Brighton Marine must wear proper identification at all times while on the property.

1.    Tenants are responsible to maintain a valid Tenant Information Form.  Any new or terminated employee should be reported to the Executive office as quickly as possible to ensure safety of your tenant areas.

2.    Employees on the property must wear an authorized Identification Badge at all times. BM accepts Tenant issued ID’s or BM issued ID’s as identification.

3.    BM issued ID’s are the property of BM and must be returned upon termination or change in employment status change.  In the event of a termination, it is the responsibility of the Tenant to notify the Operations Manager.

4.       Contractors entering the building must provide proper Identification for the vendor they work for.  BM or Tenant requests for contractors during off-hours must be approved at least 48 hours prior to the day of access.  Contractors must sign in and out on the “Vendor Sign IN / OUT Log” at the Security Desk.  All contractors and sub-contractors must have a valid Certificate of Insurance on file with the BM Executive Office at all times.


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